Explore our Insights on Video Recruiting

How to build your brand with video

Studies reveal that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand that they support, while 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. This simply […]

9 minutes | Bright Ewuru

8 Tips to Film Yourself Like a Professional

Videos are the rave of the moment today. Whether you want to share knowledge with your target audience, build brand awareness, entertain your audience or achieve any other marketing goal, […]

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As common with many employer in 2020 the Royal Navy moved away from traditional ‘face to face’ recruitment methods and introduced a number of virtual processes to maintain the inflow […]

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Shine Go Feature Update June 2022

In early June we are planning a product update to Shine Go. During the release, the platform will be temporarily unavailable for a short period of time, however, this will […]

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9 Practices to Create Great Recruitment Videos

The recruitment ecosystem has advanced beyond the times of slapping up a job posting and expecting candidates to beat down your door. The talent war rages on, so it behoves […]

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Top 5 recruitment challenges to tackle in 2023

For some years now, the recruitment industry has been subject to multiple changes and issues. With 2023 marking another year of advancement in the recruitment sector, it can be said […]

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How will recruiters continue to adapt in 2023?

2023 marks another year in which recruiters have to deal with oddities in the labour market. Resignation is at an all-time high while the talent pool in multiple industries grows […]

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6 tips on how recruitment agencies can maintain a positive candidate experience while recruiting remotely

Candidate experience refers to candidates’ perception of your entire recruiting and hiring process. Providing a positive candidate experience matters greatly to recruitment agencies because: It boosts the chances of reapplication […]

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How To Combat a Candidate Shortage: The Recruitment Consultant’s Handbook

Candidate shortage, in very simple terms, is the insufficiency of candidates to fill job vacancies in the labour market. As a matter of fact, it’s a major source of disquiet […]

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Should I ask about salary during my interview? 6 tips on how to initiate and discuss your salary during your interview

Is it right to ask about salary during an interview? Read our top tips on how to raise this important question. Is there ever a right time to ask about […]

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Video Interviews vs Telephone Interviews: 6 reasons why video interviews are the better option for candidate screening

Telephone interviews have been on the recruitment scene for quite a while, way before the advent of video interviews. Once upon a  time, they were the best option for candidate […]

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Shine vs Teams: 5 reasons why our video interviewing software is a better option for your recruitment needs

As video interviewing continues its relentless march, there is the ever-growing concern as to which software is the answer to recruiters’ needs. This post pays attention to popular software, Microsoft […]

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Shine vs Zoom: 8 reasons why our video interviewing software is a better option for your recruitment needs

The pandemic has borne witness to remote work and remote interviewing as well. Undoubtedly, for video conferencing, Zoom has become a household name. However, it doesn’t serve all needs. When […]

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