The Employee Benefits that Actually Build a Productive Culture

Trends in the workplace have been shifting a lot over the past couple of years, especially when it comes to employee benefits. It’s no secret that organisations are trying to […]

Transforming a Toxic Workplace Culture

We’ve discussed the tell-tale signs of a toxic workplace culture before here at Shine. From low morale and poor communication, to office politics and a lack of trust – toxic […]

Incorporating Soft Skills in the Hiring Process

Hard skills have long been seen as the criteria needed for a person to succeed in a role. Sure, hard skills are undeniably important, especially in positions such as technical […]

Personality vs Values: Which is the Best Hiring Measure?

Personality tests are often used as part of recruitment processes to assess candidates – so they can find the ‘right candidate’ for the role. These come in the form of […]

The Signs of a Toxic Workplace Culture

The office we work in is basically our second home. We have to spend a lot of our waking hours in the workplace, so it can be detrimental to our […]

Culture Fit vs Values Fit

What is culture fit?The recruitment world is filled with content about why we should be hiring for culture fit and how it’s an extremely important concept. But what is it […]

Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation in the workplace

What makes you get out of bed (nor not!) in the morning?We all have different reasons for getting up and doing our thing every day. The number of times you […]

How shoe size can help hire for Values Fit

I’m guilty of buying my clothes a size smaller on occasion, my thoughts being “It doesn’t fit yet”. I can be confident in this as I’m a big proponent of […]

Want a Long Term Relationship? Hire for Values Fit

Would you make a long term commitment to a future romantic partner you had only read about on paper? How about if you were allowed 30 minutes with them in […]

Hiring for Values Fit

A recruiter’s work doesn’t end there With an obvious skills gap in the labour market, it’s easy to focus on attracting the right talent as the key to successful recruitment. […]