How To Improve EDI In The Workplace

Bias, Diversity, and Inclusion Recruitment Technology Video Interviewing
How To Improve EDI In The Workplace

In today’s rapidly evolving corporate landscape, organisations are recognising the significance of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) within the workplace and seeking ways to improve EDI overall. By fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates individual differences, organisations can unlock a wealth of benefits, including increased innovation, employee engagement, and improved decision-making. In this blog post, we will explore practical strategies to enhance EDI in the workplace and create a more inclusive culture that empowers every employee to thrive.



6 Tips On Improving EDI In The Workplace

Cultivate a Culture of Inclusion

Improving EDI starts with fostering a culture of inclusion throughout the organisation. This begins at the top, with leaders setting the tone by actively promoting and championing diversity. Encourage open communication, embrace diverse perspectives, and create opportunities for employees to engage in dialogue and share their experiences. By valuing and respecting the unique contributions of each individual, organisations can create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

Assess and Address Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases can unknowingly influence decision-making processes, hindering efforts to promote EDI. It is crucial for organisations to conduct bias training and workshops to raise awareness about unconscious biases and their potential impact. By educating employees and providing tools like effective recruiting CRM software to recognise and mitigate biases, organisations can create a fair and equitable workplace that embraces diversity.

Review and Revise Hiring Practices

Recruitment plays a pivotal role in improving EDI. To attract a diverse pool of candidates, organisations should critically evaluate their job descriptions, ensuring they are inclusive and free from bias. Additionally, consider expanding recruitment channels to reach underrepresented communities and tap into diverse talent pools. Implement diverse interview panels to ensure a range of perspectives in the hiring process, promoting fair evaluation and selection.

Establish Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Employee Resource Groups, or ERGs, are voluntary, employee-led communities that bring together individuals with shared characteristics or experiences. These groups provide a platform for employees to connect, share experiences, and support one another. Encourage the formation of ERGs that focus on various dimensions of diversity, such as gender, ethnicity, LGBTQ+, disabilities, and generational differences. ERGs foster a sense of belonging, provide networking opportunities, and help organisations gain insights into the specific needs and challenges faced by different employee groups.

Promote Training and Development Opportunities

Investing in training and development programs is a proactive approach to promoting EDI. Offer workshops and seminars that focus on topics such as cultural competency, unconscious bias, and inclusive leadership. Providing opportunities for employees to expand their understanding of diversity and develop skills to navigate a diverse workplace fosters empathy, respect, and inclusivity.

Encourage Mentoring and Sponsorship Programs

Mentoring and sponsorship programs can be instrumental in advancing EDI efforts. Pair employees from diverse backgrounds with mentors who can offer guidance, support, and career development opportunities. Sponsorship programs go a step further, as sponsors advocate for their protégés’ advancement within the organisation. These programs help bridge gaps, provide equal opportunities for growth, and contribute to a more inclusive corporate culture.


Leveraging Video Interviewing Technology To Enhance And Improve EDI

To further enhance EDI efforts, organisations can leverage video interviewing technology. Shine’s video interview platform provides unique benefits that optimise your EDI strategy:

Geographical Accessibility

Video interviews eliminate geographical barriers, enabling candidates from diverse locations to participate without the need for travel. This promotes inclusivity by ensuring that underrepresented regions are considered for positions, thus expanding the diversity of your talent pool.

Reduced Bias

Video interviews help mitigate unconscious biases associated with appearance, ethnicity, or gender. By focusing solely on qualifications, skills, and responses, organisations can ensure fairer evaluation and selection processes, fostering improved diversity and inclusivity in hiring.

Standardised Evaluation

Video interviews facilitate standardised evaluation by using the same set of questions and evaluation criteria for all candidates. This eliminates potential bias arising from variations in interviewers’ methods and ensures fair treatment and equal opportunities for candidates from diverse backgrounds.

Inclusive Scheduling

Video interviews offer flexibility in scheduling, accommodating candidates facing personal, family, or accessibility challenges. By accommodating a wider range of availability, organisations demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and attract a more diverse pool of candidates.

Collaborative Evaluation

Video interviews enable multiple stakeholders, such as hiring managers, recruiters, and diversity and inclusion teams, to review interview recordings and provide their input. This collaborative approach minimises individual biases and promotes diverse perspectives in the decision-making process, leading to fairer evaluations.

Improved Documentation and Transparency

Video interviews provide recorded documentation of the interview process. This transparency allows relevant stakeholders, such as HR teams, hiring managers, or diversity and inclusion committees, to review and analyse interviews for potential biases or disparities. This accountability enables organisations to identify and address areas for improvement in their recruitment processes.


Improving EDI in the workplace requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses fostering a culture of inclusion, addressing unconscious biases, revising hiring practices, establishing ERGs, providing training and development opportunities, and promoting mentoring and sponsorship programs. By embracing these strategies and leveraging the power of video interviewing technology, such as Shine’s platform, organisations can create a more diverse, inclusive, and successful workplace. Let Shine revolutionise your recruitment process and help you on your journey toward achieving EDI excellence.

Ready to take the next step? Sign up for a demo and elevate your hiring success with Shine Interview and discover exceptional talent that will drive your company forward.

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