Scheduling Interviews… Made Easy

At Shine, we often hear the pains, moans and groans when recruiters are arranging assessment days or interview slots. They are given a set number or slots across multiple days to fill and booking these with the candidates is nothing short of a nightmare. Who do you invite first? Do you reserve a slot as you’re pretty sure that Candidate X will be free only to find out they’re not and then, what if somebody wants to rearrange!!
Now, this is where it gets really exciting! We have worked with one of our customers to create an Event Scheduler. You never have to have these pains again, you create the available slots within the scheduler, invite your candidates to book via email and then candidates take control! … MAGIC!!
Not only this but should a booked slot need to be arranged by the candidate themselves, this is easily done by logging back in, cancelling the slot they are booked in to at present and selecting from the remaining time slots available. Likewise if you, as the recruiter, needs to rearrange an afternoon of interviews, you can send an email to all candidates currently booked in and ask them to rearrange into a slot on a different day.
Ahead of each event, recruiters can download the list of registered attendees and mark as attended, passed or failed and there is space to input a score, if applicable. This can also be downloaded and doubled up as a checklist and used on the day to mark attendance, printed out onto paper.
If you would like to see the Shine Scheduler and discuss how we could make this work for you then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would love to show you more!