The Green Interview

What is the Green Interview?
In today’s financial and environmental climate almost all businesses are under pressure from stakeholders to reduce their overheads and develop robust energy, carbon and sustainability credentials. The two often go hand-in-hand.
How can you achieve this when it comes to recruitment, and what is the Green Interview?
Business travel and commuting can contribute greatly to both a company’s expense and to its overall carbon footprint, however modern recruitment technologies can reduce the need for candidates to travel.
Where are your candidates coming from?
In order to attract the right talent to your organisation it’s becoming increasingly likely that your recruitment strategy will involve looking further afield than your local area. It’s also probable that candidates are looking beyond their home or university towns to find their next career move. In a candidate led market there is expectation for employers to foot the expense of interview travel, especially if you’re actively courting candidates from out of area.
According to Totaljobs in a 2014 survey they found the average graduate is prepared to travel 35 miles to an interview with 1 in 6 willing to travel over 100 miles. This translates to around £3,500 worth of reimbursed travel costs for the average employer. Furthermore, recruiters who are willing to travel to meet candidates at their convenience can spend up to 20% of their working week on the road.
Making your process greener.
Video Interviews are changing the face of recruitment. By enabling potential employers to see the whites of their candidates’ eyes whether they’re around the corner or on the other side of the world, Shine Interview is eliminating unnecessary recruitment travel.
Of course, you will still want to meet your candidates and take them through an in depth face-to-face interview and possibly even an assessment centre. However, you’ll be able to run fewer assessment centres, spend less time in interviews and reduce the number of candidates travelling to see you, since you will be able to rule out more candidates prior to this stage based on their video interviews.
Research suggests that employers can save over 60% of recruitment related travel costs with the introduction of video interviewing to their process.
Seeing it in action.
A leading car manufacturer adopted Shine Video Interview as part of their graduate recruitment process last year, and in just 3 months has successfully assessed and shortlisted 1,000 candidates in 40 countries for jobs here in the UK.
In 2016 candidates took asynchronous video interviews via Shine in every corner of the globe, significantly reducing the cost of recruitment for the prospective employers, and in turn their carbon footprint.